
Showing posts from June, 2018

Mastering Dating and Seduction: How to Stop Being a Nice Guy

One of the worst nightmares for a guy when it comes to seducing and dating women is falling in the trap of being a "nice guy". Although you must always treat a woman with respect and dignity, it's absolutely vital you do not become another "nice guy" around women. So what exactly is a "nice guy"? Well, a nice guy is a regular guy, a good guy. To cut to the chase, nice guys don't have a clue about what they're doing. - They buy roses on every other date they get with a new girl. - They try to earn her affections by getting her presents and fancy things. - They think they're romantic and poetic, but all they are is pretty lame. - They don't have the good momentum, and get put in the "friends" box. - They're so desperate to please women that they put their own personal needs (time alone, time with friends, etc) away, placing the girl on a pedestal. - Nice guys don't just appreciate a girl, they wor...

Best Ways to Impress a Girl - Why the Usual Stuff Guys Do to Impress Girls Don't Work

So, how to impress a girl? It's a question that gets asked a lot. Usually I don't like to use the word  'impress'  as it puts you in a lower position among the opposite sex. When I think of a guy who is trying to impress a girl I picture a guy who is basically trying way too hard, one that is showing off in the hopes to win a girl over. It's a very weak and submissive position to be in. While a guy should initiate contact, in no way he should chase after a girl or go overboard with everything he does just to impress her. Girls are not impressed by that. So my key point is - DON'T try to impress a girl at all. If you ever wondered how to 'impress' a girl, this is it; the best way to impress a girl is not to impress her at all. If this makes no sense here's how this approach work. Basically you have to stop acting needy and desperate. Don't EVER try to put a girl on a pedestal. Don't appear as the guy who worships her and kneels be...

The Top Ways To Meet Women Out There!

Have you ever wondered how to meet women? Or when to meet them? Most men are of the opinion that the best time to pick up women is during the night for they can head straight to bed afterwards. However, it will not be as much fun as it would be to actually get to know a woman before you decide to spend the night with her. Moreover, when you meet some one in the evening you are not sure whether you would be able to take her to bed. The reason for this is that no one can be sure how the night is going to end. When you meet women during the day time, it will take away the pressure of thinking how your evening with her is going to end. The reason is that you would feel comfortable when you are in your everyday clothes during the day and this would make you feel good. When you feel good, you will have confidence in yourself. Moreover, if you find that the woman is not worth pursuing then you can easily make up an excuse and leave her. This way you will not have to stay with her if y...

Making Attractively Hot Single Women Want to Date You

Have you ever seen a stunning woman walking in the street as you drive along the road? A woman so striking and attractive that you cannot help but stare and wish that she was your date. The moment passes by but inevitably you wonder what it would take to hold the attention of such a beautiful female or have such a woman as your girlfriend. Do You Struggle With Matchmaking? The Ideal Attractive Single Women is Out There The truth is that certainly there are scores of available single women who have the looks, personality and style to make your relationship dreams come true. The ideal woman or girlfriend that you always wanted to date is out there. It is also true that many young single men find approaching very good looking confident single women intimidating but there are ways to deal with the problem and find an attractive girlfriend. This is especially true if your dream conquest is tall. Think about it, the average single guy is probably around five feet ten in height, a r...